We've all heard them, we've all witnessed them (some say we've all endured them). I'm referring of course, to Tom's Medley!
You can't fail to be impressed by his repertoire and, indeed, by his shrewdness. While we all struggle to learn five or six verses for the inevitable singsong at the end of the various get togethers, Tom simply learns the chorus of each song and seamlessly sews them all together!
What is particularly impressive, though is the way that the medley continues to grow and stays contemporary while still including his "classics"(Joseph and his .......dreamcoat, whisky in the jar, jet plane,etc, etc).
Don't ever stop Tom but don't give up the day job either!
Tom’s Medley
When the party’s dying
Or the atmosphere’s deadly
Just send for Tom
To sing his medley
From Joseph and his coloured coat
to Johnny Cash and his Ring of Fire
5 songs, 10 and 15 too
You know he’ll never tire
Thin Lizzy, Queen, and Christy Moore
Across the music world he’ll take a tour
From john Denver and David Gray
Like old blue eyes, he’ll do it his way
Fast songs, slow songs, Traditional and Pop
As long as someone’s listening, you know he’ll never stop
He’ll work right through his repertoire and then
He’ll go right back and start again!
But listen Tom, don’t be put off
Let them mock and let them scoff
Sing out loud and sing out fine
We’ll all chip in to pay your fine!