Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Can't. eat. my. monkeynuts. in. peace. doorbell. won't. stop. ringing.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kris Kringle

OK, so it's the October Bank Holiday Weekend which means that the annual Kris Kringle must be completed, and this year, it was no different. We've completed the draw, and it is as follows:

Tom is buying for Ann

Ann is buying for Siobhan

Jim Lowe is buying for Kay

Siobhan is buying for Jim Lowe

Kay is buying for Jennifer

Jamie is buying for Jim Farrell

Maureen is buying for Tom

Therese is buying for Maureen

Rob is buying for Ger

Ger is buying for Therese

Jim Farrell is buying for Rob

Jennifer is buying for Jamie

The above is the final decision and no changes can be made. It was drawn under the strict observation of our official adjudicator, Cian. The maximum amount that can be sent is 50 euro. Roll on Christmas!