Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Our 30 something weekend brought us to Connemara this year. (Our 30 something weekends that are fast approaching 40 something weekends!). We had a great turnout and stayed in the Renvyle House Hotel which is really in the middle of nowhere and while the drive up there on Friday night was a little daunting we had a fantastic weekend full of laughs and catching up.

The Gibsons get the honour of organising 2009.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Banana ice cream

I just had to share this recipe with everybody. I saw it on TV over the weekend and it looked real simple to make so I scribbled down the recipe and made it tonight. It's quick, easy and delicious. Perfect. Here goes (this makes enough for 2):

  • chop 2 bananas and place in freezer for at least 1 hour (I had bananas already frozen as I use them for smoothies and these worked well but I did need to leave them thaw for a bit)

  • quarter teaspoon vanilla essence

  • 2 tablespoon caster sugar

  • 100ml buttermilk (approx - I added a little more)

  • Place all in a food processor (I used a smoothie maker) and blend

And that's it. YUMMY. Try it. Go on.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Saturday morning with a difference

Well, it's 10am on a Saturday morning and I'm blogging. There's the difference straight away, not only that but we're both back after a 3 mile walk and Jamie's in the kitchen making breakfast (although to be fair he does make the weekend breakfasts all the time). We both tossed and turned all through the night - we found ourselves watching the movie Casablanca at 5am and gave up trying to get to sleep at 8am when we decided to get out into the frosty morning and go for a walk. This is a first for both of us, normally it's lunch time before we manage to even leave the house on a Saturday. Hopefully we can stay awake and get to watch Ireland play Italy in the first of their six nations rugby matches later today.