Come the summer we will be heading to Kilkee in Co.Clare as I have been doing for the last 4 Years. The better half (Now forever to be known as BH) has spent just about every summer of her life there. Its a great place to chill out, all the kids love it and its full of family and friends so is great for the "craic". However, being on the west coast of Ireland there are some obvious drawbacks . I'm now going to indulge in a little hobby of mine which I hope won't chase you away. I like to attempt a bit of poetry now and again, nothing too fancy and I definately won't be giving Rabbie Burns a run for his money but here goes:
Summer in Kilkee
From George’s head to the Pollock holes
The wind blows hard and the water rolls
People struggle up the strand
Raincoats on, umbrellas in hand
Hats fly off across the beach
Always blowing out of reach
Hardy swimmers brave the sea
As darkness falls at ten past three
Across the sky thunder crashes
Out over the bay lightning flashes
Torrential rain rips thru’ the air
Girls try in vain to save their hair
All run like mad in search of cover
A distraught babe wails for his mother
Beach now deserted, sad, forlorn
Windbreaks abandoned, tattered, torn
Is this some freak storm from o’er the sea?
No, its just summer in Kilkee!
Windy weather, frosty weather when the wind blows, we'll all blow together.
Guys - what are you talking about? Don't you know that it is always bea-uuuuuu-tiful in Kilkee!
Bit of poetry yourself ther ''lowe'' I dont know which one :S So ill just erm call you Lowe or is it terese????????////
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