We're now in Blarney for almost 2 years.Never saw myself settling down in a wee place like this after spending all my life in cities but there you go.
the peace and quiet is nice (definitely getting old)and I love driving home from work along leafy tree-lined roads.Its also great to have no parking problems.I do miss the "Big Smoke" though.
We enjoyed having friends and family close (though not too close).Being able to just go up to a mates house for a gab, or arranging to go out for a pint was nice.
On our first weekend here we decided to go down to the local for a few beers. We started talking to a couple of lads at the bar. On hearing my accent one of the lads said, "Oh your Scottish, you must know Joe?" I replied,"I know a few Joe's, which one are you referring to?" He then replied,"You know who I mean, SCOTTISH Joe!" AH, the simplicity of village life!
So, if you're out there Scottish Joe, drop me a line and we'll catch up on old times!
Joe probably isn't a scot at all, probably went to Scotland on his holidays and came back with the accent!
Why would anyone in Cork want to do that!
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