The holiday is over and the tan is fading as quickly as the holiday rep when you need assistance. Whoever said holidays are relaxing needs their head examined. eight hours lying by a pool folowed by a 3 course meal in a restaurant, then beer and wine can be exhausting. Especially when you repeat this the following day!
We had hoped to at least get a break from gridlock and traffic jams but, as you can see, they were unavoidable.

Never mind, next stop Kilkee
I thought we would all come back from this holiday full of energy after a relaxing few days in the sun - but now I think another holiday is needed to recover - but we are all too exhausted to organise it ... so roll on Kilkee ....
You mean you didn't organize your next holiday while you were on this one? You're slipping lads.
Hello all... Lisa here.... a bit scuttered ... in practice for Kilkee.. feel like a Lowe even though I am a Daly... see you all in kilkee
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