Sunday, October 29, 2006

A little something for halloween

I woke up in a cold, cold sweat
Malevolence pervaded the atmosphere
My heart was pounding. My nerves afire
“Something evil is coming here!”

I tried to follow my same routine
Shower, shave, head off to work
But my hands were shaking, a nervous wreck
My self-control coming unstuck

Somehow I made it through the day
I can’t believe I didn’t crack
Jumping at shadows, and trembling legs
I thought I’d have a heart attack

Returning home felt like a trip to hell
I could feel its presence in every room
My heart leapt as my doorbell rang
The sound of my impending doom

I approached the door like the condemned man
I could feel the evil, the foulness, the WRONG!
And there it stood in front of me
“Hello mum, are you staying long?”

Sorry Mum!


The Lowe said...

Or was it just someone dressed up as your Mum?
Was there something about the ancients celebrating Samhain dressing up as their mothers-in-law? Or is that another holiday?

SoloAcoustic said...

Well it could have been a child dressed up as your mum......they would be about the same height!!!!!