Can you believe it. Our first weekend home in Blarney for ages and I'm awake since 6.15am. Never mind, next week is a bank holiday weekend and we'll be off to Kilkee for the weekend.Will stay in Jim and Ann's caravan (Thanks lads).
The last time we stayed down there was at the tail end of summer 05.For all you people that have stayed over in 'vans this will be familiar to you. We were out late at the greyhound bar with Ann and Jim and had a few drinks to boot. The next morning at some ungodly hour we are rudely awakened by the sound of birds walking all over the roof and, of course, the head is pounding to the sound of their screeching.After a couple of painkillers and a Berocca I was naturally inspired to put pen to paper:-
Mr Crow
Why Mr Crow do you shout for Bob,
When you should be out there looking for a job,
Go, try and earn an honest bob,
Instead of looking for a place to rob
Why Mr Crow do you spend all day
Screeching at the sky in a most annoying way
I'd really love to make you pay
Cos all your noise has wakened Kay
Please Mr Crow wont you just move on
Im sick of your monotonous song
You've been on the roof for way too long
And what your doing, it must be wrong
Mr Crow, I"ll ask once more
Please go through the exit door
Cos you've got me crawling on the floor
And my head and ears are really sore
Hey Crow, my temper's wearing thin
I just cant stand your awful din
If you could see the state Im in
you'd fly away, cos it's a sin
That's it Crow, you've had your fun
You think you are the number one
But your time is up, you'd better run
Cos I've gone out and bought a gun!