Thursday, December 20, 2007


Most of us have left things in our childhood homes that we thought we'd never part with and promised someday we'd clear out or take away. I know this is probably junk that needs to be thrown out because while I don't mind it staying in my parents house I really don't want it coming into my own house. My poor Mother hasn't the heart to just dump everything and sometimes she'll give me something that she's found which will throw me back in time. She's trying her best to clear the junk, the woman needs room for her jumpers.
The most recent item I received was a date book from 1985 - it brought me way back, well back to 1985 anyway. And believe me, a date book belonging to a 15 year old girl is not a rivetting read. Until I reached December and the best thing that could happen to any 15 year old girl happened - I became an Auntie.

Happy Birthday baby girl xx


Anonymous said...

Now you have me crying!

The Lowe said...

Me too! I might still have the piece of paper that was handed to me as I was working the Christmas holidays in the post office. Mam just needs to dig a bit deeper to find it.