Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kilkee 2008

We're back in Blarney after a fortnight in Kilkee. While the holiday got off to a very bad start thanks to a very disappointing apartment rental which we could only stomach to stay in for one night, we managed to enjoy the rest of it by moving into my sister's house for the rest of the holiday. Big thank you to her and her family for letting us stay there because we really could not have stayed in the apartment.

While talk of the weather was banned for the holiday it was a big improvement on last year and we actually managed to leave the house most days which we were grateful for as our expectations were obviously not high (it was only when talking about the holiday in a pub one night with someone I met did I realise I was saying we were happy with the weather because we were able to get out - what happened to picnics on the beach, swimming and sunbathing??). We will definately be rethinking our holiday plans for next year.

Anyway, we got to catch up with family and friends which is always good and we are well rested.


Anonymous said...

Wii are delighted that you could stay in the house. The Moriarty family are now all a bit fitter than before!

Anonymous said...

All the boys with the cocktails!